TIES Clinic

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Adult Dane County residents must have been found eligible for long-term care, developmental disabilities services.  Eligibility determination for these services is coordinated through the Aging & Disability Resources Center of Dane County.  www.daneadrc.org
  2. Children (Dane County residents under age 18) must have been found eligible for children’s long term support (CLTS) services. To learn if your child is eligible, contact Dane County Human Services Children’s Intake at (608) 242-6226 or cltsintake@countyofdane.com
  3. Individuals referred must have behavior(s), symptoms, or medical history that indicates a probable psychiatric condition amenable to treatment.
  4. Preference is given to individuals who do not have a current psychiatrist (can’t obtain psychiatric care). If the person does have a psychiatrist providing service, that psychiatrist must be notified that the TIES Clinic is being consulted, and his/her records obtained for review at or before the first appointment.
  5. Priority in timing of admission to the clinic is given to individuals who are having difficulties which threaten their health, safety, safety of others, or their ability to live in the community. Priority is by need first, then order of application.
Note: There is no connection/relationship between the psychiatrist’s private psychiatric clinic and the TIES Clinic. Also, the TIES Clinic is not associated with any HMO.

The TIES Clinic provides psychiatric care and consultation to Dane County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. All patients seen in the TIES clinic receive services through the Community TIES Behavioral Support Program. The TIES Clinic is coordinated by Joanne Law, RN.

Patients seen in the TIES clinic often include individuals who are unable to obtain psychiatric care from other providers due to financial situation, behavioral issues, or medical complexity. The clinic is scheduled on the first Wednesdays and Thursday of every month with Steve Singer, MD, and twice a month on Thursdays with Lauren Bern, MD. Both are psychiatrists who have extensive experience treating persons with developmental disabilities.

TIES Clinic staff work closely with TIES Behavioral consultants to coordinate and carry out psychiatric and behavioral interventions to improve the participant’s independence and inclusion in their community. The TIES Clinic offers ongoing psychiatric care but also occasionally provides one-time consultations when appropriate..  When possible, stable patients are referred back to their primary physician or another community psychiatrist. Funding for the clinic is obtained from Dane County Human Services, Medical Assistance, Medicare, and private insurance (when available).

For most TIES Clinic patients, accurate assessment and effective treatment relies upon the active involvement and participation of other care givers involved in the patient’s support. With the patient’s (or the patient’s guardian’s) permission, family members, case managers/support brokers, residential and vocational support staff, teachers, AFH providers, and guardians are welcomed and encouraged to attend appointments and to share information about their observation of symptoms and their evaluation of the progress of treatment.