Crisis Response

Who is eligible for Crisis Response Services?

Crisis response services are available for Dane County residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) receiving long-term care services.  Services must be authorized by the person’s Managed Care Organization or included in the individuals IRIS plan. The individual seeking services or his/her legal guardian must consent to the use of Crisis Response services.


What has to be done before Crisis Response Services can be accessed?

Referrals/requests for Crisis Response services can be made by contacting the RSI Crisis Response Coordinator. Individuals or provider agencies involved in the person’s support are expected to take an active part in the ongoing problem solving/team process.
Crisis Response services can only be safely provided if the Crisis Response team has accurate and sufficient information about the individual in need of services. Support teams are strongly encouraged – with the assistance of the Crisis Response Coordinator and Community TIES Behavior consultants – to develop pro-active crisis plans, which spell out at what point Crisis Response resources should be considered and who is authorized to request them.
If a crisis plan has been developed and an active authorization is in place services can be accessed after hours by contacting the Crisis Response After-hours-on-call.

What is Crisis Response?

Crisis Response is a coordinated, community-based, approach to crisis prevention and response for Dane County adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) experiencing acute behavioral health crises. The program was developed in partnership with Dane County Human Services and has been in operation since 1998. Interventions strive to enhance the safety of individuals and their care givers and to prevent or shorten institutional admissions or incarcerations.

Crisis Response is a collaborative effort between Community TIES, Dane County Human Services,  Responsive Solutions Inc. and the individuals utilizing this service, their families and the community service providers supporting them.

What services does Crisis Response provide?

  • Crisis service coordination, especially if a situation involves contact with law enforcement or emergency mental health practitioners (Community TIES, Dane County Human Services)
  • Accelerated access to behavioral consultation and program recommendations (Community TIES and Responsive Solutions)
  • Home and workplace Adaptations & Modification Program (Responsive Solutions Inc.)
  • Additional care giver support in the person’s home or workplace (Responsive Solutions Inc.)
  • Access to psychiatric consultation (Community TIES or Dane County Human Services)
  • Follow-up consultation (Community TIES, Responsive Solutions Inc.)

If these services are insufficient to safely support an individual in his or her home a temporary stay at the RSI Safe House might be considered. The Safe House, an RSI property in a residential neighborhood in Madison offers a temporary, modified, secure environment for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis.

The purpose of a Safe House stay is to increase a care providers’ confidence and competence supporting a person with challenging and severely dysregulated behavior.  Additional staff support, coordination and consultation is provided through Responsive Solutions’ Crisis Response staff.

To start a referral request for crisis services through Responsive Solutions, contact the RSI Crisis Coordinator

View an article outlining  Dane County’s early commitment to creating an auxiliary infrastructure of positive behavior health services or a  description of one person’s early experience utilizing Crisis Response services.  Dual Diagnosis and Challenging Behaviors gives you a better understanding of Crisis Response services’ important role within Community TIES’ overall approach to supporting individuals with complex supports needs in the community.