Keynote Speaker
Ignacio Enriquez Jr., MSE, LPC
• Founder, Ascent Consulting
Keynote Speaker
Gina Green-Harris, MBA, Director
• University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
• Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships
• Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, Regional Milwaukee Office
Collaborative StabilizationCoalition of Greater Dane County
The Collaborative Stabilization Coalition of Greater Dane County (CSC) are leaders working to stabilize, educate and support adults living with dementia or other cognitive impairments to reduce their risk of crisis.
The CSC was formed in June 2019 with initial support of WI Dept. of Health Services Crisis Innovation Grant funding that ran through June 2021. After that funding ended, the work continues with support from Dane County Human Services. The CSC is comprised of representatives from all local Managed Care Organizations serving Dane County residents, IRIS Consulting Agencies, law enforcement, emergency services, behavioral health, County staff and local experts supporting persons with living with dementia or other cognitive impairments.
The CSC members believe it is important to have a shared understanding of what crisis means for people with dementia or other cognitive impairments. This crisis definition was developed and is a core component of the work done by the coalition: An acute episode, or a series of events that destabilizes a person to the point they may be viewed, or are considered to be, unsafe to themselves or others, and as a result, is at risk of being removed from their home to a more restrictive environment.